Occupational Hazards is a single-player horror game where you take on the role of a low-level employee employed by Stellar United Systems. You are tasked with restoring power and cleaning up one of their factory ships after an...unfortunate incident. However, they may or may not have forgotten to mention that there's still something on the ship, and “that something” is now your problem.
Since you're here, you may as well lure it to the escape pods after you've got the ship back online. Your paycheck (and future upgrades) depend on how thorough you are in your custodial duties. You could simply restore power and eject the monster, but that won't earn you any points with the boss - if you manage to make it back to your escape pod alive.

Restore power to each node to get the ship back online as soon as possible!
Restore power to each node to get the ship back online as soon as possible!
Pad your paycheque by doing odd jobs related to each quadrant of the station. More tasks = more $$$!
Pad your paycheque by doing odd jobs related to each quadrant of the station. More tasks = more $$$!
Oh, did we at SUS forget to mention that the...erm..cause of all of this might still be on the ship? Ah well, since you're already here...
Oh, did we at SUS forget to mention that the...erm..cause of all of this might still be on the ship? Ah well, since you're already here...
Restore power to better light your way (and to get out A.S.A.P).
Restore power to better light your way (and to get out A.S.A.P).
One node down, 5 to go!
One node down, 5 to go!
Once the power is restored in the outer nodes, come back here to access the mainframe.
Once the power is restored in the outer nodes, come back here to access the mainframe.
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